We’ve known Lianne Krane from Fresh Start Environments for close to ten years now, and we’ve been aware of how well her products work when it comes to weekly cleaning in our home.

But with COVID-19 upon us, there has been a different level of awareness  about germs, viruses, and other “invisible” enemies lurking in our environment.

From a business perspective, we’ve had to shift our focus to sanitizing all staging materials before & after they are used, and making sure our clients’ homes are kept safe for showings and visits.

Personally, we also want to minimize the risk of spreading a deadly virus to other people, as much as we possibly can.

That started our journey to find the best (and most affordable) solution on the market.  So far, Fresh Start’s use of chlorine dioxide/Selectrocide seems to be the best total solution we can find.

In this episode, we spoke to Lianne about the ways Fresh Start Environments can help clean and also prevent viruses.  As you can see from the video, she really knows her stuff and she’s passionate about what her product can do.

Hopefully this comes across as educational, because we didn’t want it to seem like a commercial.  Nobody paid us anything for this… it all comes from trying to find something that will help us, and help our clients.

You can find out more about their services on the Fresh Start Environments website. Hope you enjoy this “super clean” episode.