Today there are six listings.  I was pretty sick yesterday, but both today and yesterday are posted now.

On Ferguson, I can see in the brokers comments that the sellers are willing to stay on as tenants until December 2017.  So it could be a potential “teed up” investment property with a large enough downpayment.  Right now, there’s not a lot of positive cash flow in Milton with the minimum 20% down for a second property.

But it makes me wonder… why wouldn’t the seller just keep owning the property?  The only reason I can think of is they either need a large sum of money from the sale NOW, or they believe that the market has peaked and they’re trying to get out before it crashes.  I think #1 is more likely, but this is all just guesswork.

Speaking of “staying”, today’s video is a throwback to one-hit wonder from maybe 25 years ago.  No commentary video today – I was in a course for the entire day about legal issues in real estate with one of my favourite lawyers.

Also, 638 Joyce is on their FIFTH price adjustment, tumbling more than $150,000 from their original asking price in early October.

And what’s up with the bear sitting on the couch, and the dude putting his shoes on?  Today’s pictures are full of strange sightings.