Face it: you’re probably addicted to your home’s value.
Don’t worry. So am I. And so is every other homeowner in your market.
Maybe addiction is the wrong word. How about you’re very curious to know how much your home is worth. Whatever we call it, most homeowners become preoccupied about the value of their home at least three or four times a year. Think about your own experience.
I know anytime I see a house for sale in my neighborhood and find out how much the home is selling, I always wondered how my home would match up to that particular home. Maybe you have too. Maybe you went as far as to have it appraised. I don’t know.
But I think we can both at least agree that the thought is there…
Now, if that’s the case, then here’s a fast and easy way to find out what homes in your area are selling for… subscribe to the SoldWatch report, where you’ll get the inside scoop about Milton home sales and the Milton real estate market.