This episode is filled with interesting stuff. From the security photos, to plants taking over kitchens, to sideways pictures, open toilets and claims of being steps from the Escarpment… it’s an episode to remember. In fact, this one brings me to my knees, knees…

Plus, what’s the optimal time to hold back on offers? Hint: It’s not 11 days. More in the video.

But there are some good points too, including the townhouse on Cavanagh that’s listed for $30k less than the last sale of the same model, and the not-very-well-known treasure trove of bungalows on Allan Crescent in the Beaty neighbourhood. Double-garage bungalows are hugely popular, and that trend will only continue as the baby boomer generation starts to avoid stairs and downsize.

ps – Uma Thurman is delightful.

pps – GnFR forever!