Between yesterday and today, there have been a flood of new condo listings coming on the market, including a few larger models.

I think there’s a huge demand right now for the larger condos… because the Baby Boomer generation is not getting any younger, and most of them want to live close to their grandkids in Milton.

What’s missing at 1379 Costigan? Watch the episode to find out. I still think it’s a solid building.

Oh, and my nostalgia for seeing Prosser? I realized I confused it with another property. 🙂 But in a fitting coincidence, one of our team members used to live in that home.

Finally, one of today’s homes MAY be close enough to a source of funky mushroom farm smells.  What you can see is usually much easier to discover than seasonal wafts of odour.  Another example?  The Sargent farm by Yates and Louis St. Laurent.  Or the water treatment plant just east of Commercial Street between Laurier and Main.

The nose knows.  So be sure you bring a friend with a nose like a bloodhound when it’s time to search for homes.  🙂

Be sure to join us for a Tour of Homes if you’re coming to town this weekend.  It’s more efficient and packed with information than randomly checking out open houses.