Have you seen these new fidget spinners? Both of my daughters really want one, and they spin in your fingers using very low friction ball bearings. Fidget spinners are supposed to help with kids that have attention deficit disorder (A.D.D.) and to increase focus and lower stress.

I think one of today’s photo galleries provides a similar satisfying experience. You’ll have to see what I’m talking about in the episode. It’s the condo at 1471 Maple.

Plus, today there’s the lowest priced four-bedroom home available in Milton, with offers anytime, for under $500k.

Then we move onto a few examples where photos are not even loaded – and I think it’s like driving your car with the emergency brake still on. Your first few days are absolutely critical, and many buyers will skip a listing if it doesn’t have photos.

At the end of the episode, I’ll take you on a tour of Sunnyvale – there’s a LOT of space in this home, and the greenspace behind means no nosy neighbours peeking in!