
Knock knock!  (“Who’s there?”)

Orange.  (“Orange who?”)

Orange you going to change your paint?!

Today we’ll talk about orange walls and why they fall into the family of colours you may want to avoid before listing your home.. There are 27 listings today and the story of 2015 has been “I wish I bought yesterday” as home prices are on the rise, especially condo towns like Heslop. For the last year, homes have been increasing by $1,000 per week. Most people can’t save that fast.

So if you want to learn the best ways to buy a home, stay safe and save time and energy, come to Saturday’s Milton Buyer Class. All the details and registration are here.

One of today’s homes is self-described as being “engulfed with beauty and charm.” Ummm, ok. Whatever that means. Plus, there’s a really rare Mattamy bungalow with a loft, and there’s definitely an audience who waits for a home like this.

Plus, you can play checkers in front of a listing that I sold years ago, and there’s also a semi-detached for $650k. For that price, I think you would be much better off going for the home we have for sale on Pringle. More info on this site

And if you want a pool and one of the most convenient locations in town, Fitzgerald is definitely the pick for you. Court Street is close to the downtown core and the just opened Farmer’s Market, and if symmetry bothers you, then perhaps you’ll have a hard time with one of the homes towards the end of the episode.

Overall, it’s a pretty solid day and definitely stronger than yesterday. Thanks for watching!