It’s a pretty quiet day today with only 12 properties on the list. Kind of funny, because back in January and February, that would have been a HUGE day.

Today, we look at two units in rival buildings on Costigan and Sauve, and one is clearly the winner in my eyes… that is, until offer night. 🙂

And instead of holding back on offers, the new game is to say, “24 hours irrevocable on all offers”.

The irrevocable period is the time when your offer is valid, so the listing agents are trying to hang your offer out to the world, hoping someone else will step up and compete with you. The terms of your offer should not be disclosed to anybody else, according to real estate guidelines… but the mere presence of your offer being open to acceptance for that long can cause a lot of problems.

If I’m representing the buyer, I want as short a time as possible for the offer to be “open”. Before I send, I’ll ask questions like, “When can you meet the seller?” and then position the offer so that it’s good for about an hour after that.

Oh, and don’t be fooled by the square footage or odd wording on Snider. This one is aiming too high, and it’s just a mess of a listing. I’m not “holding my breath” that they’ll fix it anytime soon.