We’re live from outside our office, because it was too darn cold to go anywhere else.
You’ll notice we changed the format of the graphs, and the design of the report is getting an upgrade in the next few months, along with some of our reading material like the Room-by-Room Review and the Sell Your House for Top Dollar Fast guide.
Have a look, and then watch the video to find out what happened year-over-year with Milton prices. We’ll also look at the hottest properties, which is pretty much everything right now because the inventory is so low.
It’s deceiving to look at the average price each month in the report, and choose the month that has the highest price (or avoid the month with the lowest price). It’s simply not the whole story, because average price can be affected by larger homes selling, which typically happens between March and November.
The supply and demand, which you can see in the active listings versus sales, remains remarkably consistent throughout the year. This is the most important graph of them all, although the media tends to focus on price because it’s sexy.
Another important point from the video – in a hot market, it’s not usually a matter of IF you sell, but the real thing you control is HOW MUCH, and records are broken with the right environment, and also the right STRATEGY. We do it all the time, and we’d love to show you how.