Wow, I just checked and it looks like we’ve done more than 400 episodes!

In other news, a couple of today’s homes are trying to compete with the big boys… single garage homes in the double garage realm.  Do they have the mojo to compete?  Buyers, as always, are the judge.

We have some battles happening – one on the same street (Bowring), and two with similar house models.  Great deal on 1200 Turner, and a good episode to learn about comparative value, with 23 listings.  Plus, arguably one of the best homes in Milton lists yet again.

And if you didn’t get the PDF from this weekend, just click this link.  It may take a few seconds to load because it’s a larger file.  If you are still having troubles, just email me and I’ll send the document as an attachment  Oh and don’t forget to register for the Milton Buyer Class this Saturday.  Link is just on the right hand side of the site…