
This is the episode from Friday that I THOUGHT I did, but never actually posted.  Ha!

In honour of that, today’s video is all about mind games from one of my favourite artists.  🙂

I counted 19 individual chairs at Dalgleish Gardens.  That doesn’t include couches.  Seems like a few more than most houses.  In general, nothing in this list is really blowing me away, but the Pick of the Day ™ goes to 393 Black.

There are potentially SEVEN places in the list with “basement apartments” or the potential to do so… but you need to be really careful about the legality of those units if you are considering being a landlord.  The rules are changing, because Ontario has mandated that we need more affordable housing, but there’s also a responsibility for the space to be safe.  Expect future local rules to include requirements to comply with the building code, fire code, and to have adequate parking.

This is a good article from the Toronto Star that explains what’s happening with the rules, and how local municipalities are not being proactive enough with their rules or enforcement.