I remember as a kid going to see Wrestlemania live in person. Wrestling changed somewhere in the 90’s, but as a kid growing up in the 80’s, it was like watching superheroes battle. Today’s list reminds me of those days… there are some exceptional properties, including our home for sale on Denyes (imagine Ricky the Dragon, in great shape, precise in detail), and McCutcheon, which reminds me of the Ultimate Warrior – at his prime, nobody could touch him. With a pie-shaped lot, inground saltwater pool, backing onto a forest with a 3300+ sq.ft. home with great upgrades, this one is also hard to beat.
There’s Jelinek, with a nice looking companion basement apartment (like Jake the Snake with his pet), and Playfair reminds me of Hogan… it should definitely get the crowd excited at the new price. If you’re not a fan, I apologize. 🙂 Let me know – would you assign a certain wrestler to today’s homes? J.Y.D. for Gowling? Curt Henning for Dymott? Shawn Michaels for Cousens? Koko B. Ware! Tito Santana! LOL this is kind of fun!
Have a super weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday.