At least a few times today, I use the phrase, “It’s just okay…”.  Which means I’m reviewing it because it’s in the video, but I’d probably skip past it as a Top 5 selection if I’m going out to show homes.  And that’s the game, if you think about it.  Are you at least perceived on paper as being in the Top 3 for VALUE in a buyer’s eyes?  Taking a look at it through the buyers’ lens can create tremendous clarity when pricing and preparing your home.

So it’s a big list of 27 properties, and I count a solid handful of options — Deverell is a good entry-point pick, the condo at 100 Millside is terrific ($700/month on fees is a little pricey though), Porter Way is the best value for $360k or so anywhere (including my own listing for the same price), Grant Way is a huge townhouse that doesn’t feel like a townhouse, and I think 50 Laurier is a nice way to get into a double garage in the low-$400’s.  That’s harder and harder to do lately.

Enjoy!  It’s a bit longer today, but 27 homes in 15 minutes is about as quick as I can run through them.  🙂