Plug your ears … there’s a house on today’s list that will make you scream something… and it’s definitely not the word “designer”.  You’ll see what I mean with the last property of the day.

Also, we’ll take a little tour of Milton and the surrounding area using some aerial maps.  We’ll review the new Tremaine/401 exit, plus the new Milton Education Village.  You know I love maps like John Madden loves football.  I’ll show you where the dump trucks from the quarry will likely travel, and I just saw Challinor this afternoon… the views from the front door are very impressive.

Finally, there’s an interesting effect that I’m noticing.  Some buyers are paying much higher than market value to builders, and then when the building is complete, they will turn around and try to sell for more than market value to recoup their costs.  Lesson:  you win on the BUY, not the SELL, so make sure you don’t overpay!